Good day, good people!
What: A New Virtual Meditation and Discussion Group on Thursdays Evenings!
When: Each Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, eastern time
How: Email me at [email protected] for more information or to join in.
Three months ago I organized a virtual meditation and discussion group to meet weekly on Sunday evenings. Since then we have gathered on Zoom every week but one, and it’s been lovely! We begin with a thirty-minute meditation, then move into a facilitated discussion. People bring whatever issues, challenges, opportunities, and breakthroughs they like into the conversation, and we learn together how to practice in this strange, sometimes difficult, always beautiful world.
I’m writing today to let you know that we’ve decided to add a second group each week, this one on Thursday evenings. It will begin at 7:00 pm eastern and will follow the same format that we’ve been using on Sundays. We’re expanding the program partly to provide more support in these challenging times, partly to create the opportunity for people to participate who can’t make it on Sundays, partly to create more space for people to process, but mostly because it’s fun and helpful to practice in the community. I hope to see you there!
In peace,