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Spiritual Coaching and Counseling with David McKay

David McKay is a highly trained coach and counselor. He offers one-on-one support for practice to anyone who feels they may benefit. Here is how it works in his words:

The one-on-one work I do with people is pretty simple. We get together in person or on the phone and process the things they are becoming aware of through practice. I bring my experience to the conversation, but otherwise no agenda other than the hope that I may support them in going wherever they want and need to go in their lives. Along the way I teach people how to use the tools. I've been gifted a sort of spiritual technology, you might say, and it's this technology that I work to pass on to others. The way this looks in practice varies according to the person—everyone is different, is in different places in their lives, and needs different things—but in general I would say that we use the circumstances of people's lives and the various things they are dealing with in order to uncover the processes operating underneath. It is through the work of bringing our unconscious process to the surface where we can see them that we can begin to free ourselves from suffering and unhappiness in all its forms, and to live more deeply and lovingly. I help people to see the ways in which they are trapped within conditioned mind, the opportunity they have to live in freedom instead, and the way to go from the one to the other. Often people will set concrete goals for the week that will assist them in this work, and I will provide accountability. The process is powerful and things tend to happen quickly.

I offer this service on a donation basis. It is important to me that it not be seen as a commercial exchange. I feel I have something important to give to people who want it, and I want to give it freely, without any expectation of a return. At the same time, this is my livelihood and also the passion of my life, and if people do not support me then I cannot do it. I also want to be able to offer what I have to everyone, not just those with excess money. People tend to suffer a lot over money: if something involves money people will generally believe whatever conditioned mind says about it. If I charged a fee then folks would not be required to examine their relationship with money; if I don't then they will need to look for as long as our relationship lasts.”

If you have questions, email David at



In January of this year I reached out to David to gain more spirituality in my life. In just these few months he has helped me experience growth that for me me was unbelievable. I have learned to meditate, release the stress and worry and let go of judgmental thoughts. I am practicing self-love and becoming my best self. He has also helped my husband and I with our communication skills. Now when my husband and I have a conversation about sensitive topics we are calmer and more focused at solving our differences. This has helped our marriage immensely. I feel so much calmer and happier. There are people who touch our lives at certain points on our life's journey, and David you are one of them. Thank you for all of your wisdom, insight, compassion and gentle way.

I have been talking to Dave weekly for the last 5 months. I first took a liking to him when I met him on the side of the road during a biking trip. He pulls up behind my buddy and I with a big smile on his face. He tells us that he took a vow of silence and was a monk for the last 18 years. Having missed the early stages of the Internet and not speaking for 18 years, I was impressed with how articulate and tech savvy he was. We camped with him that night, and a lot of the things he said around the campfire hit home. I asked him if he did coaching, and we started talking a few days later. He has helped me realize that we are a product of our environment, and we are constantly being sucked into social conditioning.

He has taught me to deal with problems from a solution state, rather than a reactionary state. He has allowed me to see that I am enough. The reason we connect well is because Dave is vulnerable in conversation. He doesn’t pretend to have all of the answers, and he doesn’t hide his insecurities. He is the definition of authentic. I have spoken to therapists in the past, but I have never felt the connection I feel with Dave. He genuinely cares about the wellbeing of humanity. He realizes that the majority of pain and suffering happens in the mind. Considering he had 18 years to explore his own mind, I can say he has a pretty firm grasp of whats going on. Since feeling a shift in my mental space, I decided to recommended him to my mom. Now, her and Dave e-mail back and forth on a weekly basis, and she has expressed the same gratitude for his work. My mom and I used to have surface level conversations. Now, we talk about our insecurities, our willingness to grow, and what we are doing to improve our meditation practice. We talk about the things that matter. I recommend Dave to all of my friends who are willing to grow and willing to put in the work. He will always be there for you, and he will genuinely care about you. I can’t express enough how much I appreciate him.

In the many years I’ve known David, I always enjoyed his intelligence and integrity, his enthusiasm in engaging with others, the clarity and directness of his communication, his gentleness, and his sense of fun. Last year, needing guidance in dealing with illness, I began regular phone conversations with him. What he brings to that process is what I imagine we all long for but rarely expect: someone to listen deeply, to offer suggestions without being attached to their own ideas, to hang in there through the hard stuff — not with patience but with acceptance. The way David models awareness and caring, and encourages those qualities in me, is truly transformative. We can talk about anything, and to feel that trust in somebody is a great gift.